Publication Policy

Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers will assess the quality, originality, and validity of the research, and their feedback will help authors improve their work.

Open Access Policy: Litteratus Mentes adopts an open access policy, making all articles freely available to readers. This ensures wider dissemination of knowledge and promotes greater visibility for authors' work.

Copyright and Licensing: Authors retain the copyright to their work while granting the journal the right to publish it. Published articles will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), allowing others to share and adapt the content, with appropriate credit to the original authors.

Publication Fees:

Litteratus Mentes does not charge any publication fees to authors for submitting, reviewing, or publishing their work. The journal follows an open-access policy, making all articles freely available to readers without any cost or subscription barriers. The goal is to promote academic dissemination and accessibility, ensuring that authors' research reaches a wider audience without financial constraints.

By waiving publication fees, Litteratus Mentes aims to encourage and support scholars from diverse backgrounds and ensure that quality research in the field of literary studies can be shared and accessed without undue financial burden.

Correction and Retractions: If errors or inaccuracies are identified in published articles, the journal will promptly issue corrections or retractions as necessary. This ensures the integrity of the published literature.

Editorial Independence: The journal's editorial decisions are based on the quality and significance of the research, without any influence from commercial interests or external parties.

By adhering to these ethical principles and publication policies, Litteratus Mentes seeks to maintain the integrity of the scholarly publishing process and provide a reliable platform for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of literary studies.